Category Archives: Christian Film

What’s all the Hoopla about Gideon?

by Kay Mortimer

  As a charter attendee of the Gideon Media Arts Conference and Film Festival, I have a personal affinity about Gideon.  Perhaps you don’t.  Perhaps you wonder what is so special about Gideon?  Well, let’s see.

            The Gideon Media Arts Conference and Film Festival provides the East Coast with professional, Christian media-arts instruction and networking.  People at all levels of involvement in the arena of media arts’ ministry come together, from the skilled professional to the awe-inspired wannabe.  All are welcome and encouraged to move forward and progress.

            Gideon enables “common folk” with a desire to use their God-given talents in visual arts, filmmaking, scriptwriting, acting, singing, songwriting, sound engineering, producing, and similar ministries a venue to talk one-on-one with professionals, editors, and producers who can guide them toward their goals.

            Everyone at Gideon is excited about using their talents for God’s glory.  Everyone is helpful and friendly to everyone else.

            If you long to fulfill your God-given calling in a visual arts or media arts area of ministry, Gideon is the place for you.  Topnotch faculty.  Friendly volunteers. Fellowship with like-minded Christian brothers and sisters.  This is the “hoopla” about Gideon!

Come and experience the Gideon Media Arts Conference and Film Festival for yourself.  You might find yourself coming back year after year after year – like so many of us have!  See you in Orlando in July.

Direction From God

by Deb Raney
I’m sure it wasn’t really all about us, but when Ken and I look back on the Gideon it seems like God must have orchestrated it to become a part of our lives just when we needed it most! Ken had just been laid off from his job of 25 years, and we were in deep disagreement about what to do next. Ken felt strongly that the Lord was asking him to step out in faith and use his gifts of illustration and graphic design to start his own business. I wanted the security of a “real” job.


What I discovered at the Gideon changed my mind and changed my heart. There, I got to know a whole bunch of people just like Ken. Fellow creatives brave enough to step out in faith, to walk in obedience to a calling, and dedicated to using the gifts and talents God gave them to tell the world about Jesus. And to tell it in a quality way.


It’s hard to adequately describe how God used the Gideon to direct our paths, but today, four years later, we look back at the journey God took us on (still has us on!) and we see that at each critical juncture, God allowed us time at the conference. And every year it was a time of encouragement, spiritual growth, growth in our marriage, and of evaluating where we were headed––and whether it was the direction God wanted us headed.

We heard so many wonderful testimonies of how God had provided for others in our shoes. We heard such inspirational and motivational talks that helped us make important decisions. We watched films that encouraged us. We made friends who will always have a precious place in our hearts. And we formed prayer partnerships (thank you, Rusty and Rebecca!) that I have no doubt made all the difference.


It was clear to us from the minute we stepped onto the grounds of Ridgecrest that God had paved the way for us to be there, and we will always look back on the Gideon Media Arts Conference and Film Festival as a gift from His hand.

Be Bold – The Musical

By Denny Brownlee

As we all seek to creatively express God in our stories, He just might be creatively writing us into His….

Recently a local playwright/producer/musical type guy called.  A mutual acquaintance had told him I could act and sing, and do a wide range of characters.  This was apparently just what he needed for a play he had written and scored.  And when he asked about my vocal range, and I answered, “I’m a tenor,” his response was, “Oh praise Jesus!” … I’m guessing he needed a tenor.

He immediately emailed me the script and arranged to meet with us.  Well, I was about to take Sandy to the doctor, so the meeting would have to wait a couple hours.  That was fine.  “By the way,” I ask, “What’s this musical about?”

“The life of Jesus,” he answered, “Especially the part we don’t hear much about – from ages 12 to 29.”  “Hmm,” I think, “…interesting.”  As he told me a little about himself, I thought, “Wow – this guy is impressive – what if I’m not nearly as good as he thinks I am… Lord, what if I’m not good enough for this major role in a musical – in a town like Nashville?”

In my spirit I hear, “Go ahead, be bold.”  Okay, fine.  I arrange to call him after Sandy’s appointment.  But when I called him back and asked, “Ready to meet?”  He responded:

“Funny thing…a lot has transpired since we last talked.  I spoke with my director, and she sort of had a meltdown.  She was overwhelmed and decided she couldn’t direct.  No director – no musical.  The show’s cancelled.”


“But if you’d like we can still meet,” he says, “I’d love to get to know you.”

“Sure – we’ll see you in a few at Panera’s…”  Moments later, we converge on coffee, sweet rolls and pleasant conversation.

We met a fascinating, gregarious guy – about 70, but with energy that belied his birth certificate.  He’d been in Show Bizz since he was little.  Had been in movies with Elvis, been on stage with John Denver and others – impressive.  Then he asked about us – we told him of our stage, radio and TV exploits from days gone by, and he seemed genuinely interested.  I admit, it felt good to feel significant.

And Sandy, true to being a long-time Gideon attendee, and never one to shy away from a soapbox, boldly proclaimed her desire that we, the church, take back what is rightfully ours – that is – rightfully God’s: The Arts.  To which our new friend proclaimed we were “definitely on the same team.”

As we got acquainted with him, and his musical, he said a few curious things about the life of Jesus, that didn’t quite match what I remembered from the gospels.  I tried not to dwell on it.  But, he mentioned a book about Jesus that had really influenced his writing: “The Seven Faces of Christ.” Hmm, how come I’ve never heard of this book…?

Then, toward the end of our chat, he referred to God as, “That spark inside all of us…”

[Insert sound FX:   squealing brakes]

Whoa!  God’s a Person – not a “spark.”  Not wanting to ruin the conversation – but not being able to let that slide, I knew I had to say something.  As we adjourned, he said he’d love to chat again, and let us meet his wife.  I said, “Sounds good – though I must say – I’m not sure I agree with all you’ve said today.”  He nodded, we exchanged closing pleasantries, and went our separate ways.

Sandy looked up his favorite Jesus reference book… uh-huh… not the Jesus I’ve ever heard of.  As she read the description of the book, it became obvious – it was steeped in New Age philosophy.  Big time.  Quickly, I knew I wanted no part in his play.  Arriving home I flew to my inbox, and began reading his script.  I didn’t finish it… didn’t need to.  What I read, I’d label as “fantastical blasphemy.”

So why did God tell me to “be bold” about being in such a play?  Here’s what I think happened.  This gent thought he had the guy he needed.  He excitedly called his director – who became overwhelmed by a monumental task she wasn’t really up to, so she had a meltdown… and the play was scrapped….  God wanted that damnable heresy shut down before it started.  And He allowed me to be a small part of His grand plan to defend the Name of Jesus, His only begotten.

The lesson for me – was, if God tells you to be bold, you can trust that He not only has it under control – but you might just get to play a part in …the real story!

Gideon friends, we’ve a story to tell to the nations… let’s be bold.

God…did I hear you right?

by Rodney Marett

In our spiritual walks with God, we have constant conversations with Him. We pray. We worship. We sing. It’s something that He wants and asks us to do…communicate with Him. In this communication, we know what WE are saying but are we always 100% sure what the Almighty is saying to US?

Let me share with you a situation last year where I desperately needed to hear God’s voice clearly. Last August was the fifth year of Gideon, but because of my job as a contractor in Iraq, I was unable to get home to help Lori with the conference. For those not too familiar with the conference, Lori is my wife and co-director. So, Lori ran the conference by herself with lots of help from friends and faculty and she did a great job. After the conference, Lori told me, without hesitation, she said she would never do another Gideon without me. Which at the time gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling, thinking that the conference can’t run without me? So, I promised that I would not leave her again.

Then, in the fall, LifeWay decided that they were backing out as our primary sponsor. Because LifeWay had been our major sponsor for five years, this was a big deal.

So, when LifeWay said no more, Lori was relieved. I think she actually danced a jig, it was quite amusing. She was happy. I’m not sure if you realize how much work goes into putting on a conference like Gideon. Yes, it’s only 5 days but the preparation is the other 360 days. It’s a constant motion kind of thing. Always looking for free advertising… Looking for cheap this and low cost that… Trying to find the right faculty member…Getting the best quality films. And we do this with a very limited budget, especially, since LifeWay is no longer involved. Oh, did I mention that we work on Gideon year around and we don’t get paid. Over the past five years, I think the most that we have ever received was a couple hundred dollars. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, when Lori and I started Gideon, we didn’t start it to make money. We started it to honor God and bring this type of conference to the east coast. So, you get the point that Gideon is a lot of hard work. And it becomes frustrating trying to direct the conference, many different things play into this frustration. I think Lori or I QUIT Gideon about 100 times a year.

With me in Iraq Lori is a single parent for 2/3 of the year. I’m only home 4 months which adds to the stress level of directing Gideon. As for me, I’m split in half, Gideon is like another child. Lots of love and hard work go into it but seeing the seeds that were planted starting to grow is amazing and you sit back with your mouth wide open and just stare at what God is doing in Christian media. So, I did what any good Christian man would do when he is at a crossroads. I got down on my knees and prayed asking God for a sign to either continue with Gideon or move on to something else. At the time, I believed I heard God wanting me to continue running Gideon and I told Lori this. And as she always has, she supported my decision since God told me.

Fast forward to today…I’m really questioning whether I heard God right. We have little to no sponsors. The sponsors that we have talked to seem very interested but in the end, fall short of making the commitment. We’ve signed a contract that we can’t cancel and if we did, we would be out of tens of thousands of dollars. The reason I started working overseas was to help get us out of debt. Unless we bring in 200 students, we’ll be back in debt.

What about the signs from God that led me into this decision? People were calling and emailing saying they wanted to be involved. I felt like God opened the door wide open after our visit to the hotel in Orlando. So, you can see why I’m questioning whether I heard God correctly. Maybe, I’m just inpatient. I know it’s all in God’s timing but He is really cutting it close this time.

The point of this blog is not for your pity or your money. The point is do we really hear what God is saying or are we using what we want in lieu of what God is saying? In this case, I’m not sure.

“Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3

Men of God

by Francine Locke

“He was the Heartbeat of our family..We enjoyed choir practice and prayer meeting together on this earth for the last time last night..but today He is enjoying Heavens Jubilee…He was the greatest husband. dad. friend my world has ever known.”        Jackie Carpenter

What a legacy for a father to leave behind, having touched his daughter so deeply. My friend, Jackie Carpenter, lost her father last night, and when I learned that, I cried. I cried not so much for her loss, but for the realization that I, and so many others, would never experience the wonderful memories, closeness and feelings she shared with her father.  Men, this one’s for you!

I grew up with out my dad being around much, he had a territory he traveled, and frankly, we were not unhappy when he was away. Life was much more peaceful in his absence, no late nights, no drinking, no arguments. I eventually married a man so similar to my own father, that when I look back I’m amazed. I learned from what I was surrounded by in my childhood, and many of those lessons were far from positive.

I became fiercely independent after my divorce when my son was 1 year old. I knew I could raise him better alone than with the influence his father would provide. After all, I also had the past experiences of my own father. For 12 years I was a single parent, but the friends I naturally gravitated towards were those who had healthy, secure marriages. Even in my singleness I knew I wanted better for my son. And eventually, I realized God wanted better for both of us.

A father’s impact has been so downplayed by our society, dads and men in general, are regularly dumbed down on tv and in film or made into pretty undesirable characters. Is it any wonder men who may not have had the gift themselves of a loving, supportive male role model, have no idea how to be the father they should be?

How does this tie in to the Gideon? At the Gideon I have found relationships; true, authentic relationships with all sorts of real people. Not the cookie cutter perfect Christians who may be portrayed in the media, or even hyped in church. But people with  joy, pain, difficulties, divorce, abuse. People like you and me, who have lived through life & survived to tell about it.

There are some people here that will remind me of Jackies father, Jack. Strong, gentle, laughing, loving family men of God. There are also men here who may not realize the impact they can have on the lives of others. There are men to mentor, and men who need mentoring.  I’m guessing you are one or the other, or maybe one who can just benefit from the exposure to right relationships. I’m thinking of Denny, Rodney, Torry, Kyle, and so many others who will share their experiences with you. Not all positive, but all with the potential to help you see another perspective, to learn how to be more the man God created you to be. And yes, more the woman too!

Any way you look at it, going to the Gideon is a win win situation. I treasure the relationships I have made here with both men and women. It’s a safe environment, you will be brought in to the fold & held as close as you need to be. I truly hope to see you there, amazing long term relationships can happen in a week! And how incredible that it’s all tied in to a visual, dramatic, artistic, musical arts conference! See you there!

Have You Seen My God?

by Michelle Cox

Have you ever been crippled by fear or have you ever let your perceived lack of abilities keep you from doing something God asked you to do? I think most of us have faced situations like that.

A few days ago during my devotional …time, I ended up in I Samuel 17 with one of the most well-known stories in the Bible—the story of David and Goliath. I’ve heard about those two guys since I was a little girl, but on this particular day it was like God put a spotlight on some things I’d never noticed before.
Imagine the scene with me. For forty days the Israelite army had been crippled by fear as Goliath—a monster-sized bully—strutted in front of them, taunting them and making fun of their God.

About that time, Jesse sent his young son, David, to take supplies and to check on his brothers who were in the army. Try to picture David in your mind. The Bible describes him as “ruddy-faced.” He was just a rosy-cheeked shepherd boy. Certainly no one who knew him would have thought of him as anything else.

David arrived at the army camp just in time to see the face-off between the Israelites and Goliath. He observed the Israelite army running in fear from the giant. Over and over he heard the words, “Have you seen the giant? Have you SEEN the GIANT?”

The young lad was filled with righteous indignation. “Who is this Philistine who has the nerve to defy the living God?

When David told King Saul that he would fight the giant, Saul replied, “You’re just a boy. There’s no way you would win.”

But armed with God and five smooth stones, the young lad walked into a seemingly-impossible situation, facing the giant with these words, “This is the LORD’S battle.”

David slew his giant that day. You know why? Because when everyone else was saying, “Have you seen the giant?” David was saying, “Have you seen my GOD?”

Many of you are dear friends and I know some of the giants you’re facing—things like losing your jobs, wrecked relationships, the heartache of a prodigal child, the loss of a loved one, scary words from a doctor, or even a task God’s called you to that seems way bigger than you can do. During those times it’s easy to focus on the giants and to live in fear because the situation seems impossible.

The good news is that there’s hope today because this isn’t just your battle—it’s the LORD’s battle and He thrives at solving impossible situations.

So the next time doubt and fear overwhelm you, don’t say, “Have you seen my giant?” but instead reply with confidence, “Have you seen my GOD?”

David blog post 3

How Do You Cross The Room?

by Peggy Sue Wells

“Cheshire Puss,” asked Alice, “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”

“That depends a good deal on where you want to go,” said the Cat.

“I don’t much care where,” said Alice.

“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.

Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

What do you want to be sure you do before the end of your life? What is it you don’t want to regret not doing?

People interviewed in the sunset of their lives commonly express two regrets; that they did not take more risks, and they didn’t do more for Christ.

I thought I was bold and brave, at least capable and responsible, until I was in a room full of people and we were challenged to cross the room from one side to the other. Simple enough, except each of us had to cross in a different manner. For instance, if one person walked, no one else could use walking as a method to cross the room. As walking, skipping, running, hopping, walking backwards, and the other obvious ideas were quickly employed, I pushed my way to the front of the line so I could get across before all the methods of room-crossing were used up and I was stranded. Left behind. Another example of others being successful while I missed out.

“Who scrambled to the front of the line because you were afraid of running out of mechanisms to cross the room?”

I raised my hand.

“That’s a scarcity mentality,” the facilitator explained. “Fear that there is not enough.”

Fear that I was not enough.

That hour, 200 people crossed the room using 200 different methods. I’ve done this exercise many more times and now I run to the back of the line. Even as the last person, I always find a fresh way to travel to the other side of the room because I’ve learned that there is no limit. No scarcity. Several times I have been challenged to cross the room without using my hands or feet. What would you do? I can immediately think of a dozen ways to accomplish that goal.

As long as I thought there was not enough—not enough money, love, opportunities, careers, happiness, hope, fun, friends, ideas —I did not live full out. I limited myself even though God promised abundance.

Gathering with other artists at Gideon Media Arts Conference affirms that there is no scarcity of creativity. And there are unlimited ways to cross the room and bring ideas to reality.

Life is a team sport.

The arts are a team sport.

One plus one equals ten when Gideon participants come together and share their individual strengths, creating stories that touch hearts. The conference environment naturally lends itself to networking. An exchange of talents and counsel.

Shedding the scarcity mentality is like infusing my veins with jet fuel. “There is not enough (money, time, talent – you fill in the blank)” transforms to “How can I make this happen?” Opportunities like Gideon, to connect and belong, broadens our possibilities and inspires us to be abundant.

We are most like Christ when we forgive and when we create.

“In the beginning God created …” (Gen. 1:1).


Gideon Media Arts Conference alum, PeggySue Wells is the author of more than a dozen books. She writes screenplays, edits, and ghostwrites.

A New Bell To Ring…

by Dave Moody

One of my earliest memories growing up as the son of a Methodist preacher was ringing the church bell on Sunday morning.

Mr. Turner, a elderly member of my Dad’s congregation, would swing by the parsonage where we lived and take me with him as we walked across the fresh cut grass from our house to the church.  He’d open up the front doors of Cumberland Mills United Methodist Church with those large, heavy skeleton keys that had just been jingling in rhythm by his side on our early morning walk to the church.

Up a small flight of stairs which were almost out of reach for my small legs, especially in a suit and clip-on tie, to where the rope for the bell was secured from last week, right where “we” left it. Mr. Turner would carefully untie it, wrap it a few times around his elbow for leverage, and with all his might start the pull and release motion that caused the bell to ring.  I remember the first time I heard the sound of that tremendous bell up close.  To a four year old, it was the loudest thing I had ever heard.

As our routine became more and more familiar, I often joined in to help Mr. Turner pull the rope and ring the bell.  It was Sunday morning, after all, and all God’s children were welcome in His house.

I often think back to those earlier times and this faded childhood memory.  It was in the middle of the ‘60’s when hippies sang protest songs against the war, and black and white meant more than just the color of your TV set.

But in those days, for the most part, people at least stopped to acknowledge God.  To hear the bell ring out across the town every Sunday morning.  It was a chance to pause for a moment, even if just for an instant, to know there was a God.

Today, Sunday is just another shopping day.  Or race day.  A time to watch football or golf or some other program on television.  Everything is open, unlike those days of old when every store was closed on Sunday.  Today, Sunday is just another work day for so many.

And from all indications, fewer folks attend church regularly on Sunday morning in America than ever before.  So, think of how many millions of people are not in a pew on Sunday.

I still believe we have a church bell to ring. But it might look a lot different than the one that Mr. Turner and his scrawny little sidekick use to ring in the ‘60s.  We have a culture today that needs and wants to hear the message of hope. They are truly seeking God.  But we have to reach them in different ways.

As Paul did in Athens (Acts 17:22-31), where he met the city’s leaders and scholars, and using their culture, pointed to the statue of the unknown god, and said this is the one I came to tell you about.

We still have a bell to ring… a film to produce… a sports ministry to organize… a music and arts school to build.  All in an effort to grab the attention of someone long enough to share the truth that God loves them and cares for them.  That’s the bell we need to ring today.

5 Steps To Self-Promotion

by Donna Botts

You have made the decision to be in the entertainment business – Fantastic! Now you are wondering… Where do I begin? What should I work on? How do I network? I am sure these and other questions have surfaced as you start your journey. I would like to offer some simple, yet hopefully, useful guidelines and suggestions as you begin to build a successful career.

Number One – This is the MOST important and vital part of your success not only in your career but in your personal life as well. Your walk with the Lord must be your first focus. When we keep God in the center of our life and allow Him to direct our steps, we stay in His Will which is the best place to be. Now, does this mean that God will grant you instant success, fame, and fortune? No, it does not. This does, however, remind us that our purpose while on earth is not for ourselves it is for Him – His kingdom and His glory. This is a great truth to remember regardless of how long we have been in the business!

Number Two – Surround yourself with people who will support you and push you to be your best. There are so many opportunities to join a web community or “groups” that meet locally.  Whatever your career choice may be: acting, singing, being a musician, producing, editing, writing, etc… Check your local paper, look online and join a group that specializes in your field. How wonderful it is to have feedback, support, and prayer from those who are on the same journey.

Number Three – Make sure you have a professional resume’ and that you update it on a regular basis. You may need to have professional headshots done (You can do this at the Gideon Conference!) Utilize the web to your advantage. Join casting sites for your particular interests. Build a webpage or start a blog. You can network on social media sites. You must make available your experience, your education/training and all other important information about yourself. Make it easy and appealing for those who would want to hire you. Do not be overly heavy with graphics, fonts, or many pages. Always keep your resume’ simple, neat, and up to date and always carry business cards with you – you never know who you may meet!

Number Four – Get out there and pound the pavement. If you want to work, you are going to have to look for it. Most of us are not going to be discovered walking across the street. While that would be nice, it doesn’t happen in the real world. So set your mind to submitting yourself to as many jobs that will benefit your career as possible. (And again, I would remind you to pray about each and every opportunity.) What we think may be the best chance at career advancement, may not be what the Lord has in mind, so ask God to help you in your decision making process. Where do you look? Remember that “Group” that you joined – many post opportunities this way. Look on the social networking sites. Google your field. Look at articles and newspaper advertisements. Some jobs may even come by word of mouth, but you have to stay connected and be persistent.

Number Five – You must stay focused and positive. You may submit your work a hundred times and be turned down every single time. You could decide to give up and say, “Forget it – it’s too hard!” But what if your 101st time would have been your big break? You will never know because you gave up. Yes, being in the entertainment industry is not for the faint of heart, but if God placed a desire in you for this career remember these words from Philippians. “Being confident in this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Ch. 1:6 NIV)

Yes, this business takes a lot of dedication, hard work, and tons of prayer. But IT IS worth it! So be encouraged, take heart, pull yourself up by your bootstraps if you have to…and remember your fellow ‘Gideonites’ are here for you!

See you on the Red Carpet!

How The Gideon Changed My Life

By Ken Raney

Here’s how the Gideon changed my life…my wife, Deb, and I have been fortunate enough to attend all five Gideon conferences, and every year the Lord has used the Gideon to encourage us as we attempt to use the gifts and talents the Lord has given us, for Him and His Kingdom.

Admittedly, those are high sounding words. But what does that really mean?

We went to the first Gideon at a time when I had given up on ever using the talents I believed God had given me. I was working in the corporate world, making a pretty good living. Our youngest daughter was a junior in high school and we were facing an empty nest within a year. Deb had received an invitation to attend a new conference that was being formed in order to get established authors in front of Christian filmmakers to pitch their stories to be made into movies. Deb wanted to go, but we needed to pay $300 nearly a year in advance. After we prayed about it, I said, “I think you should go, and I want to go, too!”

Months later, as we were getting ready to go to the conference, I told Deb that this was probably the end of my efforts to be an illustrator producing art and stories I hoped would lead young adults to the Lord. “Unless something happens at this conference to change my mind, I give up!”

Well, the Lord broke through to me at the Gideon! Did I get a contract for my book? No. Did I make a connection with publishers that encouraged me with my book? Nope. The only thing that happened is that I met and talked to dozens of people who felt the same way I did. God had given them a gift. They had a passion to reach the world with the message of Jesus Christ through entertainment media. Some were being successful; some were, like me, frustrated and despairing, but all of us shared this common calling.

I left the Gideon with the distinct belief that I had heard the Lord say to me that He had something He wanted me to do. What a refreshing revelation! I was not only encouraged, I was emboldened.

Our second Gideon was just as spiritually refreshing as the first. We heard keynotes and devotions from professionals in media telling how the Lord had guided them to do what they do. Their struggles. Their triumphs. And again, we were greatly encouraged by the presence of the Holy Spirit ministering among us.

In fact, artist Mike Maihack told me near the end of his first Gideon, “This is almost like a spiritual retreat!” He and his wife, Jen (a photographer), loved it.

Three times a day, we would all trek down to the cafeteria and stand in line next to a musician, a make-up artist, a director, an actor or actress. We would talk and learn about each other and our testimonies. I truly believe one of the best things about the Gideon is being able to have lunch with fellow Christian creatives and learn from and about them. Many a friendship and partnership has been forged over breakfast.

About three months before our second Gideon, I was laid off from my job. I had been Advertising Manager for a good-sized manufacturing firm, and they decided they didn’t need me on their payroll any more. The interesting thing is, I was not surprised. In fact, I was somewhat expecting it, because about two years earlier, the Lord spoke to me and told me that I would not be retiring from that company. It seemed he had something else in mind for me.

I came home from work early on February 27, 2009 and announced to my lovely wife, Deborah, that I had been laid off, and that I was fairly certain God did not want me to look for another “real” job!

Needless to say, this was not well received. We decided to pray and set some benchmarks as we tried to discern the Lord’s will. Again, one of the benchmarks was the Gideon.

Deb and I left the second Gideon believing the Lord did indeed have something in mind, but we differed on what that might be. I had received a vision from the Lord for an entertainment website aimed at Christian teenagers. I remember leaving the Gideon and telling Deb, “Wouldn’t it be cool to launch at the Gideon next year?”

The Gideon had provided a lot of contacts for content, career interviews, and collaborators on Clash. I received much encouragement and help with Clash from fellow Gideonites.

When it came time to start planning for Gideon #3, I contacted Lori Marett, the Gideon co-director, and asked if I could give one of the devotions in the morning. I told her I had something big to announce. She graciously said yes and I spent the next eight months setting up a corporation for Clash, producing the website, and loading content. Clash launched on February 1, 2010. Three months before the third Gideon.

My plan was to get up in front of the 260 attendees of the Gideon and report the amazing things God had done with this new website/ministry.

Instead, I had to get up and tell them that even though I was sure God had called me to do this, and He had confirmed it time and again with signs, and even miracles. At that point Clash was not a success in the way I had hoped. We had hoped to have 100,000 teens visit the site every month and we were only drawing about 5,000. And we had exhausted our advertising budget and really had no hope of attracting any more visitors to the site.

Well, apparently that was a much needed message, because I was swamped after my talk by others who had or were facing the same thing. They felt a call from the Lord, yet things weren’t going like they expected. Again, I left very encouraged and determined to press on with what the Lord had given me to do.

I just checked and as of January 1, 2013 we are at 10,000 visits per month.

The Gideon has had a large number of stories where attendees have achieved success, and in many cases as a direct result of connections made at the Gideon. We marvel at watching the careers of Saylors Brothers Productions, Erica Lane’s music, Erwin Brothers Productions, Ben Avery writing for Kingstone Comics, Eric Wilson, Ray Blackston, and Doug Peterson writing for Kingstone’s Bay Forest Books imprint, and some others whose names can’t be released quite yet.

And me, I’m making a living as an illustrator and graphic designer in the world of Christian Media.

Big names? Yes, the Gideon has had its share of big name media folks: Ted Baehr, Brian Bird, Mitchell Galin, Dallas Jenkins, Michael Joiner, Michael Katt, Paul McCusker, David Nixon, Linda Seger, Nancy Stafford, Phil Vischer, Ken Wales, Muse Watson and many, many others.

This year, as always, Christian films were shown each day of the conference, and many times the Gideon hosted the world premiere of a movie. Producers, directors, and actors answer questions after the film, then we break for some great brownies or cookies, and go back to watch another movie. Many attendees sit around and talk late into the night and then complain about how tired they are the next day.

In the four years Deb and I have attended the Gideon, there has been a noticeable improvement in the quality of the films in terms of production values, cinematography, and acting. More and more, Christian movies are on a par with excellent secular films––every bit as well-done, well-written, and well-acted.

If you are a Christian creative or want to be one, pray about attending the 6th annual Gideon Media Arts Conference and Film Festival, July 12-16, 2013 at the Orlando Airport Marriott, in Orlando, FL. Even seasoned professionals can be inspired and learn new things as they rub shoulders with others in entertainment media. You can sit down to lunch with a singer who has dozens of CDs, and wants to make a movie of an incident in his life in which the Lord saved him from a plane crash, or you can meet a retired U.S. General who was involved in the Black Hawk Down incident, or hear the inspiring testimony of the National Champion Waterski Jumper, or learn about making movies, writing novels, creating graphic novels, all from people whose heart’s desire is to be used by God to reach a lost world for Jesus Christ.

We hope to see you at the Gideon next year.